The City of Sale Eisteddfod is proud to be celebrating its 77th year of providing a friendly venue for students of the performing arts to showcase their talents.

Competitors perform before a highly qualified adjudicator who provides them with a written critique and various prizes and awards depending on the section.  With this information, the student and teacher can plan for the future.

We are a very small committee and are always welcoming to new members.  The Society meets monthly at 7.00 pm on the second Tuesday at 1/10 Wade Court, Sale.  Joining fee $1 annual subscription $2


2024 Dates 

Theatrical Dance
Tuesday 2nd April and concluding Sunday 7th April 2023 with Monday 1st of April as the back-up day.
Entries close Friday 9th February
Melissa Hall – ph: 0455660062

Speech and Drama & General Music (includes Brass)
Monday 20th May – Sunday 26th May
Mailed entries close Friday 22nd March
Emailed entries close Friday 29th March
Music: Kate Jones - ph: 0419568915
Speech: Anne Chambers